Sunday, 31 August 2008

Brazilian Frescobol

Brazilian frescobol is a different and unique game, as there are no winners. One could say, in fact, that both players are winners, as the better you play the better your partner will be able to play as well. If you don´t hit a good ball to your partner, he won´t be able to return it to you and the game will be over. This is quite the moral: it is about collaboration. It is possible to play with rather than playing against someone.

Frescobol first began in Brazil on the beaches of Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro just after the Second World War. Thanks to the migration of Brazilians, frescobol is one of the most practiced sports on beaches throughout Latin American, parts of Europe, Australia and New Zealand. The sport is now rapidly becoming popular in the United States especially in California and Florida.

Frescobol is normally played on the beach but can be played anywhere you have some open space. Standing approximately 15 feet apart, you tap the ball to your partner. A normal racquet-ball ball may be used. Continue hitting the ball back and forth slowly at first trying to get a rally going while establishing a rhythm. After some practice, you may begin hitting the ball with much more pace. The key, just like other racquet sports is to concentrate on the ball watching it all the way until it meets your racquet. Soon you will have fast pace rallies of 20 or more strokes!

Watch a game:

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